Sunday, August 3, 2014


ऋषि जंगल खेती 

जुताई ,खाद ,दवाई ,मोनोकल्चर नहीं (ALL IN ONE )



  1. Raju sahib,

    Do annual crops like paddy and wheat grow well under shadow? Will not lack of sunlight affect growth?


  2. In zero tilage i found very less shade effect. It is due to soil health, tilage spoiling soil health therefpre having more shade effect.
    I found good grain results under and near trees. Specially legume trees like Subabul and deshi babul every leguminus tree suply nitrogen in its shade area and control weeds and insects.

  3. Tks. I have read about Prosopis cineraria (khejri) in India and Faidherbia in Africa being extensively as a shade crop. Are other acacia species also equally effective as shade crop or only these two trees.

    I have one more follow up question. My understanding is that plant leaves utilise solar light incident on them with a maximum certain efficiency (5%???). Now under shade when incident light is less, how do they still maintain high efficiency? Is there something I am missing.

    Btw, sir, let me confess I am a big fan of your writings and also of Mr. Save.


  4. Negetive effect of shade in grain crop depends upon the natural power of the soil. under leguminus trees natural power of soil improves evry year due to continius supply of nitrogen in the shade area. In 1988 when Fukuokaji visited my farm he advised me to keep leguminus trees and grow crops with trees.
    But this is only possible in zero tillage.

  5. Thank you, sir. Fukuoka san was indeed a great man.


  6. Dear Raju sir,

    The last photo does not look to be your farm? Just curious which farm is this?


  7. This is Wheat with Popular trees in Yamunanager Hariyana.Many farmers are growing grain with popular trees
    in Yamuna nager but are not natural farmers.I am doing natral farming of grain with Subabul trees. This photo shows that grain is possible with trees.

  8. Dear sir I need subabul seeds in delhi. Do you have any idea where do can I buy from?
