Monday, January 30, 2012

Update From Ranchi

It has been just over a month since the first workshop that Raju Ji organized. The day was nicely broken up into classroom style teaching (using black board and slide projector to show pictures from Raju Ji's working farm). And the kids got to get their hands dirty (literally), making the seed balls and planting them in a strip of land next to their conventional garden.

With a little bit of care and watering, the seeds have now sprouted, and there are green shoots coming up from under the straw. More than the plants, Raju Ji definitely inspired several people in the area, who are now eager to visit his working farm, and learn how to do this on a larger scale on their own farms. There are preparations under way to organize a trip from Ranchi to Hoshangabad sometime in April.
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Green shoots breaking through the straw covering. The seeds were planted on Dec. 20, 2011. The pictures are from Jan. 30, 2012. There was an effort to water the plants, and then the weather helped by pouring some late winter rains.

1 comment:

  1. इन बीज गोलियों को दीमक की मिट्टी से बनाया गया है. जिसमे अनेक खाद बनाने वाले सूख्श्म जीवाणु रहते हैं पौधों का रंग बता रहा है की इन में किसी भी प्रकार की खाद की जरुरत नहीं है. जुताई,खाद,और दवाई.गेर जरुरी है. हर मोसम में सब प्रकार की फसलों के लिए इसी तरीके से खेती की जाती है. ये आत्म निर्भर खेती है. ये जमीन जुताई के कर्ण रेत में तब्दील हो रही है. ऐसी खेती करने से वो फिर से उपजाऊ और पानीदार हो जाएगी.
